Bedrooms and Bathroom Only
Some folks just want a bed and a shower. This more economical option gives you a private room and private or shared bathroom, but not access to common full kitchens, living and dining room. Choosing this option allows a lower price as we will not be cleaning/preparing these areas prior to your arrival. If you rent abedroom only and use common areas, you will be charged for cleanup and setup of these areas.
Roster of bedrooms for conferences
Pick out a room for your conference! We reserve the right to switch you to a different house (with the same type of room) in order to consolidate your group into less houses. Only when most of the rooms in a house are occupied will you be allowed access to common inside areas (full kitchens, living and dining rooms). If you desire access to these common areas, please feel free to rent the entire house and find housemates for your event.
* Bathroom is private and en-suite.
** Bathroom is part of a two bedroom suite, a separate room between two bedrooms. When using the bathroom, both door to the other bedroom can be locked. When not using the bathroom, the bedroom door to it can be locked. Both bedrooms may be rented as one suite.
***Bathroom is directly off bedroom, but people renting the companion room must enter this bedroom at access the bathroom. Best for folks very comfortable with each other. The bathroom can be made private (and companion room kept empty) for an extra fee.
+Bathroom access requires leaving bedroom and entering common hallway
++Bathroom access requires going to different floor
Love Shack
LS1 queen bed, shared bathroom with LS2 ***
LS2 queen bed, shared bathroom with LS1 (must go through LS1 to access bathroom)
LS3 single bed, private half bath*
Mansion in the Woods
M1 king bed, private bath*
M2 queen bed, shared bath with M3**
M3 queen bed, shared bath with M2**
M4 queen bed, private bath+
M5 king bed, shared bath+
M6 two single beds, private half bath*
M7 two single beds, shared bath++
Blackberry House
BB1 queen bed, private bath*
BB2 queen bed, shared bath with BB3**
BB3 queen bed and single, shared bath with BB2**
LakeTrail Cabin
LT1 king bed, private bath (shared if person in LT 1.5)***
LT1.5 single bed, shared bath with LT1 (must go through LT1 to access bathroom)
LT2 single bed, private half bath
LT3 queen bed and single, shared bath with LT4**
LT4 full bed, shared bath with LT3**
The Castle
C1 king bed, private bath
C1.5 single bed, shared bath with C1 or C6+
C2 queen bed, shared bath with C3**
C3 queen bed, shared bath with C2**
C4 two single beds, shared bath with C5**
C5 queen shared bath with C4**
C6 queen, futon, and two singles shared split full bath ++
Log Cabin (Terrapin Station)
LC1 2 queens private bath
LC2 queen bed, shared bath with LC3+
LC3 queen bed, private bath wuth LC2+
LC4 queen bed and single, private bath
Lakeside Lodge
LL1 2 queen bed and sofa bed, private bath
LL2 queen bed, shared bathroom with LL3**
LL3 two single beds, shared bathroom with LL2**
LL4 queen bed, private bath+
LL5 queen bed, shared bath with LL6**
LL6 single bed, shared bath with LL5**
Center Lodge (Rented by Center for Sustainable Stewardship)
CL1 queen bed with private bath
CL2 queen bed with private bath
CL3 queen bed with shared bath with CL4 and CL5+
CL4 4 singles with shared bath with CL3 and CL5++
CL5 two futons in loft, shared bath with CL4 and CL5++
Pond Cottage
PC1 queen bed with shared bath with PC2**
PC2 queen bed and loft single with shared bath with PC1**
Parrot House
PH1 king bed with private bath
PH2 queen bed with shared bath with PH3**
PH3 queen bed with shared bath with PH2**
PH4 4 single beds on lower flooor with private bath on main floor++
PH5 2 single beds in open loft, shared bath with PH3 or PH5+
Southern Hospitality Ranch
SHR1 queen with private bath
SHR2 queen, shared bath with SHR3**
SHR3 queen, shared bath with SHR 2**
SHR4 queen bed with private bath
The Frankl Inn
TFI2 queen bed; shared bathroom with TFI3 and TFI4+
TFI3 queen bed and single, shared bath with TFI2 and TFI4**
TFI4 queen bed, shared bath with TFI 2 and TFI3+
TFI5 2 queen beds and single, shared bath with TFI6**
TFI6 queen bed, shared bath with TFI5**
Covered Bridge Farmhouse
CB1 queen bed and single, private bath
CB2 queen bed, shared bath with CB3 and CB4+
CB3 queen bed, shared bath with CB4**
CB4 queen bed, shared bath with CB3**
Tree House
TH1 queen bed with shared bath**
TH2 queen bed and two singles, shared bath with TH1**
Welcome Homestead
WH1 queen bed, private bath
WH2 queen bed, shared bath with WH3 and WH4+
WH3 queen bed, shared bath with WH2 and WH4+
WH4 queen bed, shared bath with WH2 and WH3+
Gateway Farmhouse
GW1 queen bed, private bath
GW2 queen bed, private bath
GW3 queen bed, shared bath with GW4**
GW4 2 single beds, shared bath with GW3**
GW5 2 queen beds, private bath
Lakeside Lounge
Get your Personal Chef and dine at our Lakeside Lounge. A musician can come by and entertain you.